Do You Know Your “Eco” Customer? How about these words: carbon footprint, compostable, biodegradable or just what is sustainable packaging? I can help you sort it all out. Follow me either though my blog here, or on Twitter @packagingdiva or you hire me to help you keep abreast of the latest packaging trends, terminology, technologies and innovations and how it will impact your business.
- Packaging the Future: Amazing Mushroom Packaging!
Mushrooms are just part on the new natural packaging craze. You have corn sugarcane, bagasse, beets bamboo and now mushrooms. We need to take note with these Packaging Lessons From Nature - Whole Foods Leading the Green Packaging Charge
This time green is here to stay. Many companies are embracing the concept in a big way. Before you invest in green packaging marketing strategy be sure that you are Truly Green And Not Just Green Packaging Noise - Beauty’s Emerging Green Pkg Trend Bids Goodbye To Plastic Bottles
What’s a poor bottle to know? No one knows the answer. Every week you see a different release about which is a better packaging solution. - California Rejects Plastic Bag Ban. I’m including a recent post on this topic. It’s no wonder consumers are confused. Are plastic bags bad or not. Plastic bags are easy to hate, but when they are recycled properly become “green” gold . This is one packaging issue where there are two sides to the story. That happens more than you might think. Here are some more illustrations in There Are Two Sides To Every Packaging Story
Need some eco questions answered? I can help. even recommend suppliers too. Just email your question.